Blog - Hot Topic Buttons

Do the titles we give to others carry much weight?
Examples: Your friends' parents used to be known as Mr. and Mrs. So and So are now known as First Name and First Name. Why?
Erasing history. I understand some of the people in our history have done some terrible, unspeakable acts to people of other races, cultures, and creeds.
They also did some good. Otherwise they would not be a part of history. To erase them completely changes the history books, and then those who were prosecuted and torn down won't have anything to complain about anymore because it won't have happened in their history books.
You look at the past with eyes from today, and nobody lived according to the way they should have. People and races were persecuted throughout history, and it wasn't always white men on other cultures.
In Africa, some African countrymen along the Ivory Coast and below lined their pockets with traitors gold to sell off others of their countrymen to the Portuguese---who were raping the land of its resources---knowing the people were going to be sold as slaves.
The Portuguese were on the West Coast of Africa in the years of the 1350s. They had their hands in everything that went on in the diamond and gold trades. They also were involved in the disgusting slave trade of African Americans from their native land to sell.
"I can't say enough about the outstanding stories I read here at Lily Finch Six Writes. The stories consistently exceeded our expectations. I've signed the wait list to purchase one of the books, "Creatures from the Unknown." It sounds so interesting and full of stuff I love to read.
Luigi Conte